This morning I watched one of the best science assemblies I have ever seen

This morning I watched one of the best science assemblies I have ever seen. It was entitled “Our Atmosphere.” The “scientist” and educator, Rich Blagden, explained concepts to the students like, gravity, and atmospheric layers and air pressure in “kidspeak.” He used students from the audience to perform great experiments with items you would find around the house. Students were encouraged to go home and replicate the experiments. The teachers loved it. The teachers even asked Rich to extend the 2nd assembly by ten minutes.

Glenda Wycoff, Principal


Glenda Wycoff, Principal

This morning I watched one of the best science assemblies I have ever seen. It was entitled “Our Atmosphere.” The “scientist” and educator, Rich Blagden, explained concepts to the students like, gravity, and atmospheric layers and air pressure in “kidspeak.” He used students from the audience to perform great experiments with items you would find around the house. Students were encouraged to go home and replicate the experiments. The teachers loved it. The teachers even asked Rich to extend the 2nd assembly by ten minutes.